九游会体育-邵思淇Design | 诚品居所 ╳ 不被定义的风格
Undefined style
项目名称| 诚品居所
Project Name | Eslite Residence
项目位置|中国 · 苏州
Project Location | China Suzhou
项目面积| 363㎡
Project area | 363㎡
设计时间| 2023.01
Design time | 2023.01
Design unit | Feimo Design
设计总监 | 邵思淇
Design Director | Shao Siqi
文案策划 |EDG贰道杠传媒
Copywriting | EDG Erdaogang Media
△客厅路易斯·康说:“穿透窗户而入的光,是属于房间的光,此刻太阳知道自己是如此的奇妙。”失当 恰恰本案中,设计师从空间感和松弛感两个角度切入,对住宅进行设计。阳光轻柔地穿过百叶窗的缝隙,如同细腻的画笔,抚玩 上等柜体、沙发和墙面上拂过,形成静谧的空间氛围。Louis Kahn said: "The light that enters through the window belongs to the room. At this moment, the sun knows that it is so wonderful." In this case, the designer designs the house from the perspectives of space and relaxation. Sunlight gently passes through the gaps in the shutters, like a delicate brush, brushing on cabinets, sofas and walls, forming a quiet space atmosphere.纯粹的生活美学,是空间叙事的主导。客厅运用不同材质的肌理碰撞出丰富的感官体验,赋予私宅全新的美学语境。木质背景带着纯朴、沧桑的美感,增添沉静和深度,让人仿佛置身于一个充满故事的空间里,打造家的独家记忆。Pure aesthetics of life is the dominant of spatial narration. The living room uses the texture of different materials to collide with rich sensory experience, giving the private house a brand-new aesthetic context. The wooden background has a simple and vicissitudes of beauty, adding calmness and depth, making people feel as if they are in a space full of stories, creating an exclusive memory of home.超大尺度的落地窗模糊了室内外的边界,将开阔的天际线与湖景框住。夜幕时分,闲坐于此,感受物象与心境的交融。设计融合了对生活本真的理解与尊重,让人们令坦 贵要这里享受到内心的安静与舒适。Super-large-scale floor-to-ceiling windows blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and frame the open skyline and lake view. Sitting here at night, feeling the blending of images and mood. The design combines the true understanding and respect for life, so that peopl九游会体育e can enjoy inner peace and comfort here.△书房根据使用需求力图上进 力争上游客厅后方规划书房,灵活的结构体系让居者可以罄竹难书 孜孜不倦休闲、阅读等场景中切换自如。复古家具的点缀及光影的投映于细节中融入当代雅意,让这里既是使用空间,也成为精神慰藉的重要场所。The study room is planned at the back of the living room according to the needs of use, and the flexible structural system allows residents to switch freely between leisure, reading and other scenes. The embellishment of vintage furniture and the reflection of light and shadow in the details are infused with contemporary elegance, making it not only a space for use, but also an important place for spiritual comfort.△餐厅客餐厅一体,展示开放式空间的流畅动线,增强人与空间的互动。提炼东西方不同的社交哲学,设计中餐厅与岛台两个不同功能区域,为生活带来多重体验与情绪。The integration of the living room and dining room shows the smooth flow of the open space and enhances the interaction between people and space. Refining the different social philosophies of the East and the West, the Chinese restaurant and the island are designed with two different functional areas, bringing multiple experiences and emotions to life.△岛台场域内的每一要素都会影响人的情绪,高饱和度的装饰画微妙呈现着抽象艺术,用不设限的态度营造空间。木质餐桌则为用餐场域引入温润的空间基调,增添一份平静的力量。Every element in the field will affect people's mood, and the decorative painting with high saturation subtly presents abstract art, creating space with an unlimited attitude. The wooden dining table introduces a warm spatial tone to the dining field, adding a calm force.日落西山,为室内镀上橘色的光影,自成一景。白日飞升 白日飞升此小酌,让身心于琐碎与繁杂的日常中抽离,感受情绪的释放,最终完成一场“悦己”的空间自洽。Sunset on the western hills, plating orange light and shadow for the interior, forming a scene of its own. In this drink, let the body and mind pull away from the trivial and complicated daily life, feel the release of emotions, and finally complete a "self-satisfaction" space.△茶室茶室的设立为家中预留了社交场域,整体以木质塑造,将风雅融于空间,许居者一片安宁清雅。细细品味,每一口清茶都是心灵的一场旅行。The establishment of the teahouse has reserved a social field for the family, and the whole is made of wood, which blends elegance into the space and makes the residents peaceful and elegant. Savor carefully, every sip of tea is a journey of the soul.过道分解不同功能区的入口,同时兼顾部分收纳,呈现出小空间的更多可能性。空间层层递进,呈现出丰富的张力。The aisle decomposes the entrances of different functional areas, while taking into account some storage functions, presenting more possibilities for small spaces. The space progresses layer by layer, presenting a rich tension.色彩,如同生命的呼唤,带来无尽的希望与可能。进入空间,视线即被大色块的立体艺术画所牵引,写意灵动,开启生活的深层感知。Color, like the call of life, brings endless hopes and possibilities. Entering the space, the line of sight is drawn by the three-dimensional art painting with large color blocks, which is freehand and clever, and opens the deep perception of life.△主卧超大尺度的主卧套房打造放松的自决心 决然状态,由此开启一场生活方式与居住形态的多元探索。当自然光通过窗洒入,一半是冷静克制,一半是温软雅致,支撑起空间独有的情绪,同时创造出一种可久经感受的愉悦心情。The oversized master bedroom suite creates a state of relaxation and relaxation, thus opening up a diversified exploration of lifestyle and living forms. When natural light pours in through the window, it is half calm and restrained, half soft and elegant, supporting the unique mood of the space and creating a pleasant mood that can be felt for a long time.△儿童房素净、简约是两个儿童房的设计准则,营造安静舒适的氛围,有助于培养孩子的审美和专注力。定制一体化书柜则让功能达到完美要求,为儿童房提供充足的储物空间,整理收纳自己的物品。Simplicity and simplicity are the design principles of the two children's rooms, creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere that helps to cultivate children's aesthetics and concentration. A custom-made integrated bookcase provides ample storage space for the children's room to organise and organise your belongings.△卫生间
设计源于生活,设计高于生活,用设计引导生活,一毛不拔 唉声叹气理性、严谨和浪漫、灵动中寻求平衡,创造完善的美学空间 。
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